In this unit children learn to enter instructions to control a screen turtle and will compare the operation of the screen turtle with a floor turtle. They learn how to write a procedure that 'teaches' the computer a new word and will be asked to write short sequences to produce particular shapes on screen. They understand that screen steps are smaller than floor turtle steps and will be asked to repeat procedures to produce 'crystal flowers' by rotating the screen turtle through 360 degrees.
Children will be able to apply what they have learnt in this unit when working with shapes and space in mathematics.
Where This Unit fits in
This unit builds on Unit 2D 'Routes: controlling a floor turtle'.
This unit assumes that children:
- understand numbers larger than 100
- know that degrees measure turns and understand that 90, 180 and 360 degrees are quarter-, half- and full turns.
- procedure
- repeat
- penup
- pendown
- clear
- a floor turtle
- a version of LOGO that includes the commands clear, penup and pendown and which allows final results to be printed out
- worksheets of sequences
- graph paper
Software suitable to use in this unit:
MSWLogo (Free resource from Microsoft)
Online Resources for Teachers:
Online Resources for Pupils:
MSW LOGO (Free software to download)
key idea: that the screen turtle can be moved on screen
technique: to transfer floor turtle instructions to the screen and understand common language
key idea: that the screen turtle obeys the same language commands as the floor turtle
technique: to type commands in immediate mode
key ideas: that the screen turtle can be given commands to produce a specific shape on screen
that the turtle can be moved before it starts drawing
techniques: to write a list of commands to produce a pre-drawn shape
to use pendown and penup to move the turtle
key idea: that instructions can be repeated
technique: to use the repeat command
key idea: that groups of instructions can be named
technique: to use and change a pre-written procedure
key idea: that procedures can call other procedures
technique: to write a procedure that uses other procedures to produce a result
- to write repeating procedures to produce a desired outcome
My Activities
Simple commands to get started
Forward= fd
Backward= bk
Right Turn= rt
Left Turn= lt
Clear Screen= cs (Drawings made by turtle)
Clear text= ct (Commands entered previously)
Introduce the children to the screen turtle. Talk about the direction the turtle is facing and how it moves. Type in some instructions to show the turtle moving. Discuss spaces between command and number, and the use of the return key. Introduce them to the clear screen command. Discuss with the children the different step size that a screen turtle uses. Discuss the differences between using a floor turtle and a screen turtle.
How to make a basic square?
It has four sides of equal length (I'll Start with 50 as my side length)
To turn the turtle the correct amount of degrees, I need to know the angle to turn the turtle?
360 divided by 4 = 90. This calculation works for most shapes except 7 as it is a recurring number.
fd 50 rt 90
fd 50 rt 90
fd 50 rt 90
fd 50 rt 90
This will make my square. It is long winded- but a good place to start with the pupils.
Using repeat cuts out the amount of commands needed to make a shape.
repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90] This will make the same square as above, with less commands.
Task 1)
repeat 4 [fd x rt 90]
x= any number. Change the number to create a varity of different sized squares.
Task 2)
How to make a square by just typing the command square?
By using the ( edit " ) feature you have much more opportunity to create interesting things which, can be built on later.
edit "xxxx
xxxx = the name of the shape you are creating. These could be square, square 1, square2, square3 etc. If I wanted diferent sizes. Or to make it really clear I could label them with the shape and length of sides square50- the number representing the length of the sides.
If you type edit "square100 in the command line... a new window would come up.
after To square100, on a new line underneath, type your command-
repeat 4 [fd 100 lt 90]
It is important that pupils click on, File, save and exit to close and save their shape. When you type in the command line the program will remember the shape they have created. In the command line type:-
square100 Logo will create a square based on the commands you entered in the edit box.
Task 3)
Create different sizes of squares using the ( edit "xxx ) feature, making sure they are labelled clearly and spelt the same.
TIP:-Many frustrated children wanted to prove me wrong. "Miss, it doesn't work, I've done it three times!" But had not checked their spelling. They had saved it as sqare200 and then repeatedly typed square200 telling me it was spelt correctly, when typing into the command line. Which, was true but they had not checked back to their saved edit "
edit "square200
To square200 type the repeat command
repeat 4 [fd 200 lt 90]
Task 4)
Once the pupils have several squares of all different sizes saved in the ( edit " ) mode they can then just type in:-
square50 square100 square150 square200 square250 ... etc. This will give them five squares increasing in size starting from the same location. Just as they had done in the first activity, but, with far less commands.
You can then ask the pupils to add a variety of changes during the edit mode some using left turns instaed of right. so the squares go in different dirrections.
EXT:- Can they work out how to changes direction so they have squares starting from a central point in all four areas top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right? Either squares within squares or different sizes in various locations of a central point?
Task 5)
Now they can use the edit command they can apply this to other shapes:-
360 divided by 3 (Triangle) = 120
This is the angle needed to turn the turtle to complete the 3 sides.
360 divided by 5 (Pentagon) = 72
360 divided by 6 (Hexagon) = 60
360 divided by 7 ( ) = 51.428571428571...etc
This is a recurring number and the rule doesn't work for this number!
360 divided by 8 (Octagon) = 45
TIP:- Remember to make sure the repeats are also increased:-
A Pentagon would be
repeat 5 [fd x rt 72] X = any number
Task 6)
Time to explore! Let the children spend a lesson to explore all their knowledge and also other commands, features of the program. Allow time to use the skills learnt to create something new or different with the activities previously done. Combine shapes, sizes, direction and starting points to evaluate the changes and what makes them different.
Task 7)
How to make a flower?
using the edit command type in edit "flower
to flower
repeat x [square100 rt y]
x= any number (best 10-100)
y= any number- angle the shape should rotate each time.
Remember to click on File, Save & Exit.
repeat 67 [square100 rt 35]
Which means repeat the square100 made earlier 67 times. After each shape turn the square by 35 degrees to the right.
In the command line type... flower and a flower will appear before you based on all your previous work.
QCA- Activities:
Simple commands to get started
Forward= fd
Backward= bk
Right Turn= rt
Left Turn= lt
Clear Screen= cs (Drawings made by turtle)
Clear text= ct (Commands entered previously)
Introduce the children to the screen turtle. Talk about the direction the turtle is facing and how it moves. Type in some instructions to show the turtle moving. Discuss spaces between command and number, and the use of the return key. Introduce them to the clear screen command. Discuss with the children the different step size that a screen turtle uses. Discuss the differences between using a floor turtle and a screen turtle.
How to make a basic square?
It has four sides of equal length (I'll Start with 50 as my side length)
To turn the turtle the correct amount of degrees, I need to know the angle to turn the turtle?
360 divided by 4 = 90. This calculation works for most shapes except 7 as it is a recurring number.
fd 50 rt 90
fd 50 rt 90
fd 50 rt 90
fd 50 rt 90
This will make my square. It is long winded- but a good place to start with the pupils.
Using repeat cuts out the amount of commands needed to make a shape.
repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90] This will make the same square as above, with less commands.
Task 1)
repeat 4 [fd x rt 90]
x= any number. Change the number to create a varity of different sized squares.
Task 2)
How to make a square by just typing the command square?
By using the ( edit " ) feature you have much more opportunity to create interesting things which, can be built on later.
edit "xxxx
xxxx = the name of the shape you are creating. These could be square, square 1, square2, square3 etc. If I wanted diferent sizes. Or to make it really clear I could label them with the shape and length of sides square50- the number representing the length of the sides.
If you type edit "square100 in the command line... a new window would come up.
after To square100, on a new line underneath, type your command-
repeat 4 [fd 100 lt 90]
It is important that pupils click on, File, save and exit to close and save their shape. When you type in the command line the program will remember the shape they have created. In the command line type:-
square100 Logo will create a square based on the commands you entered in the edit box.
Task 3)
Create different sizes of squares using the ( edit "xxx ) feature, making sure they are labelled clearly and spelt the same.
TIP:-Many frustrated children wanted to prove me wrong. "Miss, it doesn't work, I've done it three times!" But had not checked their spelling. They had saved it as sqare200 and then repeatedly typed square200 telling me it was spelt correctly, when typing into the command line. Which, was true but they had not checked back to their saved edit "
edit "square200
To square200 type the repeat command
repeat 4 [fd 200 lt 90]
Task 4)
Once the pupils have several squares of all different sizes saved in the ( edit " ) mode they can then just type in:-
square50 square100 square150 square200 square250 ... etc. This will give them five squares increasing in size starting from the same location. Just as they had done in the first activity, but, with far less commands.
You can then ask the pupils to add a variety of changes during the edit mode some using left turns instaed of right. so the squares go in different dirrections.
EXT:- Can they work out how to changes direction so they have squares starting from a central point in all four areas top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right? Either squares within squares or different sizes in various locations of a central point?
Task 5)
Now they can use the edit command they can apply this to other shapes:-
360 divided by 3 (Triangle) = 120
This is the angle needed to turn the turtle to complete the 3 sides.
360 divided by 5 (Pentagon) = 72
360 divided by 6 (Hexagon) = 60
360 divided by 7 ( ) = 51.428571428571...etc
This is a recurring number and the rule doesn't work for this number!
360 divided by 8 (Octagon) = 45
TIP:- Remember to make sure the repeats are also increased:-
A Pentagon would be
repeat 5 [fd x rt 72] X = any number
Task 6)
Time to explore! Let the children spend a lesson to explore all their knowledge and also other commands, features of the program. Allow time to use the skills learnt to create something new or different with the activities previously done. Combine shapes, sizes, direction and starting points to evaluate the changes and what makes them different.
Task 7)
How to make a flower?
using the edit command type in edit "flower
to flower
repeat x [square100 rt y]
x= any number (best 10-100)
y= any number- angle the shape should rotate each time.
Remember to click on File, Save & Exit.
repeat 67 [square100 rt 35]
Which means repeat the square100 made earlier 67 times. After each shape turn the square by 35 degrees to the right.
In the command line type... flower and a flower will appear before you based on all your previous work.
QCA- Activities:
Show the class how a floor turtle can be programmed to move in a square and write the instructions on the board - forward 4, right 90, forward 4, right 90, forward 4, right 90, forward 4, right 90. Repeat the activity using a repeat loop - repeat 4 [forward 4, right 90]. Discuss with the children their previous experiences of using these techniques with a floor turtle.
Introduce the children to the screen turtle. Talk about the direction the turtle is facing and how it moves. Type in some instructions to show the turtle moving. Discuss spaces between command and number, and the use of the return key. Introduce them to the clear screen command. Again type in the instructions for drawing a square, but use forward 100 instead of 4. Discuss with the children the different step size that a screen turtle uses. Discuss the differences between using a floor turtle and a screen turtle. Remind the children that instructions are relative. Explain to them that they are going to make the screen turtle follow a number of instructions.
Prepare a worksheet with a few simple sequences on it. These could include:
forward 100, right 90, forward 100, left 90, forward 100, right 90; forward 100, left 90, forward 100, right 90, forward 100, left 90;
forward 150, right 90, forward 150, right 90, forward 150, right 90, forward 150, right 90;
right 90, forward 50, left 90, forward 50, left 90, forward 50, right 90, forward 50, right 90, forward 50;
forward 200, right 120, forward 200, right 120, forward 200, right 120.
Ask the children to predict what will appear on screen when these instructions are entered and give them a chance to work in pairs at the computer to test their hypotheses. Remind them to send the turtle 'home' before beginning each set of instructions.
Provide two examples of letters (eg E or M) that can be drawn with the screen turtle using only 45 or 90 degrees; use graph paper (1cm2) to draw the letters. Show the class how to draw the two letters and explain how each square on the graph paper measures 50 screen turtle steps. Demonstrate how to write instructions to produce the two letters on screen.
Ask children to draw the first letter of their name on a piece of graph paper and get them to write the instructions for the screen turtle. When children have completed their sequences produce the example letters, but use penup and pendown to move the turtle to the left of the screen before doing the first letter and then to the right of the screen to do the second letter. Show the children how to print their work. Divide the children into pairs and ask each pair to create their initials on screen and print the results.
Prepare a worksheet with a few simple repeat sequences on it. These could include:
repeat 4 [forward 100, left 90];
repeat 3 [forward 150, right 120];
repeat 6 [forward 100, right 60];
repeat 360 [forward 1 right 1];
repeat 10 [forward 50, right 36]
Discuss with the children their previous experiences with a repeated sequence and demonstrate the instruction: repeat 5 [forward 80, right 108]. Ask the children how many sides they think the shape will have. Type the instruction into the computer and show the children what happens.
Using the prepared worksheet when the instructions are entered ask the children to predict what will appear on screen and give them a chance to work in pairs at the computer to test their hypotheses.
Write the following procedures into the computer and save them: square, equilateral triangle, staircase, pentagon. Give the procedures arbitrary names, such as 'Pooh', 'Tigger', 'Eyore' and 'Piglet'. All these sequences have been used in previous lessons.
Show the children the screen turtle drawing a square, without using the procedure you have written. Then move the turtle using penup and pendown and repeat the square. Explain how it would make things easier if the turtle could learn a word to draw a square. Tell the children that you have taught the turtle four new words and demonstrate the one that draws the square. Show them how they could change the numbers in the procedure to make a bigger square. Divide the class into groups and let them test all four procedures. Ask them to try changing the size of the sides and the steps.
Use the procedures from the last task to write a new procedure called 'hum'. Use the square (Pooh) and the triangle (Tigger) and penup and pendown to draw a simple house. You will need to rotate the turtle by 60 degrees before 'putting' the roof on. Show the children that every time you type 'hum', the house appears. Divide the children into pairs and ask them to write their own version of 'hum', maybe changing the size of the square and the triangle. When they have done this ask them to use 'hum' to create a number of houses and ask them to print their results.
Explain to the class that they will create a number of 'crystal flowers' on screen. Tell them that they will need to write a number of procedures, such as square, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, and that they will combine the shapes into a larger procedure; the larger procedure will allow them to rotate the shapes 360 degrees and produce a flower. An example procedure might be: repeat 36 [square, right 10] which would produce 36 squares with a rotation of 10 degrees in between, producing a flower effect.
Ask children to work in pairs to create their own flowers and get them to print out their work. They could colour in their flowers and produce a garden display for the classroom.
most children will: create a 'flower' using one shape and rotating it; use the repeat instruction to duplicate the shape; change the angle of turn
some children will not have made so much progress and will: work from an example 'flower' and change the procedure to create their own 'flowers'; make mistakes and need to amend their work
some children will have progressed further and will: create 'flowers' using more than one shape and rotating them; use the repeat instruction to duplicate shapes; investigate more complex shapes and sizes; change the angle of turn
2Simple 2Assess
Logo square,
Logo rectangle,
Logo shape 1,
Logog shape 2,
Logo shape 3.
Activities by QCA- Logo square, Logo retangle, Logo Shape 1, 2, 3.
Show the class how a floor turtle can be programmed to move in a square and write the instructions on the board - forward 4, right 90, forward 4, right 90, forward 4, right 90, forward 4, right 90. Repeat the activity using a repeat loop - repeat 4 [forward 4, right 90]. Discuss with the children their previous experiences of using these techniques with a floor turtle.
Introduce the children to the screen turtle. Talk about the direction the turtle is facing and how it moves. Type in some instructions to show the turtle moving. Discuss spaces between command and number, and the use of the return key. Introduce them to the clear screen command. Again type in the instructions for drawing a square, but use forward 100 instead of 4. Discuss with the children the different step size that a screen turtle uses. Discuss the differences between using a floor turtle and a screen turtle. Remind the children that instructions are relative. Explain to them that they are going to make the screen turtle follow a number of instructions.
Prepare a worksheet with a few simple sequences on it. These could include:
forward 100, right 90, forward 100, left 90, forward 100, right 90; forward 100, left 90, forward 100, right 90, forward 100, left 90;
forward 150, right 90, forward 150, right 90, forward 150, right 90, forward 150, right 90;
right 90, forward 50, left 90, forward 50, left 90, forward 50, right 90, forward 50, right 90, forward 50;
forward 200, right 120, forward 200, right 120, forward 200, right 120.
Ask the children to predict what will appear on screen when these instructions are entered and give them a chance to work in pairs at the computer to test their hypotheses. Remind them to send the turtle 'home' before beginning each set of instructions.
Provide two examples of letters (eg E or M) that can be drawn with the screen turtle using only 45 or 90 degrees; use graph paper (1cm2) to draw the letters. Show the class how to draw the two letters and explain how each square on the graph paper measures 50 screen turtle steps. Demonstrate how to write instructions to produce the two letters on screen.
Ask children to draw the first letter of their name on a piece of graph paper and get them to write the instructions for the screen turtle. When children have completed their sequences produce the example letters, but use penup and pendown to move the turtle to the left of the screen before doing the first letter and then to the right of the screen to do the second letter. Show the children how to print their work. Divide the children into pairs and ask each pair to create their initials on screen and print the results.
Prepare a worksheet with a few simple repeat sequences on it. These could include:
repeat 4 [forward 100, left 90];
repeat 3 [forward 150, right 120];
repeat 6 [forward 100, right 60];
repeat 360 [forward 1 right 1];
repeat 10 [forward 50, right 36]
Discuss with the children their previous experiences with a repeated sequence and demonstrate the instruction: repeat 5 [forward 80, right 108]. Ask the children how many sides they think the shape will have. Type the instruction into the computer and show the children what happens.
Using the prepared worksheet when the instructions are entered ask the children to predict what will appear on screen and give them a chance to work in pairs at the computer to test their hypotheses.
Write the following procedures into the computer and save them: square, equilateral triangle, staircase, pentagon. Give the procedures arbitrary names, such as 'Pooh', 'Tigger', 'Eyore' and 'Piglet'. All these sequences have been used in previous lessons.
Show the children the screen turtle drawing a square, without using the procedure you have written. Then move the turtle using penup and pendown and repeat the square. Explain how it would make things easier if the turtle could learn a word to draw a square. Tell the children that you have taught the turtle four new words and demonstrate the one that draws the square. Show them how they could change the numbers in the procedure to make a bigger square. Divide the class into groups and let them test all four procedures. Ask them to try changing the size of the sides and the steps.
Use the procedures from the last task to write a new procedure called 'hum'. Use the square (Pooh) and the triangle (Tigger) and penup and pendown to draw a simple house. You will need to rotate the turtle by 60 degrees before 'putting' the roof on. Show the children that every time you type 'hum', the house appears. Divide the children into pairs and ask them to write their own version of 'hum', maybe changing the size of the square and the triangle. When they have done this ask them to use 'hum' to create a number of houses and ask them to print their results.
Explain to the class that they will create a number of 'crystal flowers' on screen. Tell them that they will need to write a number of procedures, such as square, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, and that they will combine the shapes into a larger procedure; the larger procedure will allow them to rotate the shapes 360 degrees and produce a flower. An example procedure might be: repeat 36 [square, right 10] which would produce 36 squares with a rotation of 10 degrees in between, producing a flower effect.
Ask children to work in pairs to create their own flowers and get them to print out their work. They could colour in their flowers and produce a garden display for the classroom.
most children will: create a 'flower' using one shape and rotating it; use the repeat instruction to duplicate the shape; change the angle of turn
some children will not have made so much progress and will: work from an example 'flower' and change the procedure to create their own 'flowers'; make mistakes and need to amend their work
some children will have progressed further and will: create 'flowers' using more than one shape and rotating them; use the repeat instruction to duplicate shapes; investigate more complex shapes and sizes; change the angle of turn
2Simple 2Assess
Logo square,
Logo rectangle,
Logo shape 1,
Logog shape 2,
Logo shape 3.
Activities by QCA- Logo square, Logo retangle, Logo Shape 1, 2, 3.