Year 4:1 Developing knowledge of Fronter- (OWN) A Fisher

About this Unit:

In this unit children learn to ...  

Where This Unit fits in

This unit builds on Unit 3F An Introduction to Fronter'.

This unit assumes that children:

the children know the URL of fronter

the children are familiar with own usernames and password to login into fronter

Technical Vocabulary

VLE-Virtual Learning Environment
My Today
My homepage
My messages
My chat





Software suitable to use in this unit:

Online Resources for Teachers:

Online Resources for Pupils:


key idea: To know where personal tools and room tools are and how to use them.
technique: to use tools with confidence.

key idea: To locate and manage own homepage.
key idea: To upload documents to my documents and other locationsin fronter.

Setting the scene:

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5